The role of the Council for Transparency in protecting the right of access to public information


  • Gladys Camacho Cépeda Profesora Asociada de Derecho Administrativo y de la Cátedra OCDE-Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores "Probidad y Transparencia Públicas". Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Magíster en Administración Pública por la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid).


The Statute N° 20.285, on Access to Public Information, has been already in effect for two years. It is therefore a proper time to assess the level of accomplishment of the transparency goals this Statute established, which defines the obligations that agencies and public officers must comply with. Given that the Council for Transparency was created as an ad hoc entity to promote and control compliance with transparency regulation, this legal assessment is based on statistical information that has been pro-duced to monitor its work on the matter, as well as the decisions it has issued. These decisions have created a jurisprudence or body of law which have developed the basic transparency regulation.




transparency, jurisprudence, access to information right, Council for Transparency jurisdiction