This paper proposes that an efficient approach to the housing deficit in Latin America must admit the need for a change in the traditional systems are based primarily on pure and exact sciences thus producing concepts such as productivity, massification, prefabrication, etc.; all of this together with a patronizing position from the state which eliminates the contribution of the afected parties. The new systems, on the other hand, must include principles which would make room for the informal ways humans have always used to provide solutions for their habitat (initiative and management coming from the involved social base, all of which is part of the evolutive process of the individual, the family and the society), such principles are to be found basically in the human sciences which allow for the development understanding of ways of participation and local management, thus achieving diversity, a human scale, more creativity, etc. This approach demands a review of the university teaching programs with the aim of training form interdisciplinary group work, such work should be carried out along with the more humanistic disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, etc.
Author Biography
Jorge Di Paula, Universidad de la República
Arquitecto, Director Unidad Permanente de Vivienda, Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad de La República, Montevideo, Uruguay