This work is part of an investigation project that undertakes the task of studying the thourght and action of the Corporation of the Housing, in the field of the residence architectural design, from the perspective of the history of the architecture. In this framework, the Modern Movement represents the vanguard in the field of the history of the architecture, in the first hall of the century, as well as to the interior of the Modern Movement, the call "rationalistic" tendency, ends up configuring a doctrinal paradigm that is a relating one forced for the study of the contemporary architecture. This tendency can be considered a factor or essential exogenous stimulus in a possible configuration of a school of architectural design, in the studied case, what constitutes the central hypothesis of the investigation. However, it is postulated that this condition would only be reached, If an endogenous reaction of "organic" character takes place to complete that configuration, as regional expression of modern architecture.
Author Biography
Vicente Gámez Básten, Universidad Central
Arquitecto. Magister en planeamiento urbano y Regional. P.I.A.P.U.R., Lima, Perú. Colabora en docencia e investigación en la Universidad Central, Fac. de Arquitectura y Bellas Artes
Gámez Básten, V. (1999). Relevant Information for the Study of the Approach of CORVI to Housing. Revista INVI, 14(38).