

Revista de Arquitectura fue aceptada para ser incorporada a la colección SciELO Chile


Ventanilla abierta para recepción de artículos en Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47.  

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Listen and be the space: exploring space, word, and music in architecture and architectural discourse



Contemporary architecture and its discourse reflect the spirit of the current Western mindset, but lack harmony with the human essence. The aim of this article is to contribute to an updating of this misalignment by focusing on issues of the human essence that are often neglected: the sensory and rational imbalance that negatively impacts on it, and its spatial dimension. It presents Listen and be the space by Renata de Mendonça Espinheira Gomes, which proposes one of the many possibilities to address this gap. The work presents a new paradigm in architectural discourse, proposing ways to experience, think, update, and communicate architecture through sound. Sound recordings from various individuals about their perception of space are used to compose this piece, advocating for the incorporation of spoken (oral and musical) word in architectural expression and documentation, thus expanding its possible forms. The work has begun to trigger critical motivation, personal action, and also material for didactic experiences.

Palabras clave:

Architectural discourse, perception and interpretation, phenomenology of architecture, sensory disconnection, spaceword- sound-music


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