
The journal is open to receive papers throughout the year, except when there are calls for papers published on its Web page. Papers must be sent to the editor's email hcadenas@uchile.cl and not by registering on this page. It should be noted that due to the number of papers received, the evaluation of each paper can take between 4 and 8 months.

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Decoding the essence of Evilness or the fear of son death


  • Maximiliano Korstanje Universidad de Palermo


Over more than 1000 years, philosophers and theologians debated the nature of evilness in religions, first and foremost in Judaism and Christianity. Starting from the premise, God is, in Judaism, omnipresent and omniscient, it still remains unresolved the reason as to why he allowed one of his more loved angels to be corrupted. Ethimologicaly, the name Lucifer stems from Luzbel that means the light-bearer. Originally, Lucifer was appointed to protect the hill of God but one he revealed against God his name shifted to Satan (which means the adversary). The rivalry between Lucifer and God has been resolved in favor of the latter. Based on the contributions of M. Mauss, the present paper explores the existence and inception of devil enrooted in the Hebrew-Christian tradition.


Evilness, Death, Angels, Christianity, Rebellion, Lucifer

Author Biography

Maximiliano Korstanje, Universidad de Palermo

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Palermo,

Buenos Aires, Argentina