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Urban forms of popular religiosity. The "Cromañón" case in Buenos Aires


  • Maximiliano Korstanje Universidad Católica Argentina


The objective of the present article is to determine if a phenomenon of popular religiosity it does exists, by the social consequences of the case of the fire caused by a flare in a recital of a rock band in Buenos Aires city. It is analyzed what it is understood by popular religiosity and five elements are taken: the sacralization of the deads, the idea of social conflict, the syncretism, the commemorative dates, and the promise like relation between devotee and the saint. Finally, by means of interviews in depth, participant and non-participant observation settles down a relation between those theoretical categories and the empirical facts.


Popular religiosity, syncretism, social conflict, ritual devotion

Author Biography

Maximiliano Korstanje, Universidad Católica Argentina

Magíster (c) en Sociología, Universidad Católica Argentina

Licenciado en Turismo, Universidad de Morón.

Asesor técnico de CEO de la firma Hertz Argentina.