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Local development as agency in the globalising capitalism: A comparative Essai


  • José Palacios Universidad Católica San Antonio Murcia


The present work is an attempt of anthropological reflection on the relation of politics, speeches and development practices as the constructs of capitalism, understanding capitalism as a global network, as it appears generally  tied up with the interests of the globalization process and the postmodernism, linked to practices of consumption, but that  it also works  lodging itself in forms of production and cultural logics, in that the development represents an space of purely cultural interaction between worlds not strickly related to socioeconomics. We underline the idea of two spaces with interesting points of comparison if hybridization is accepted as an idea of capitalism as cultural structure, with interesting paradoxes and disputes  having come closer modernizing exercises and speeches,  joining the logics of its national, regional and global spaces with a peripheral and dependent role.


Development, Capitalism, Comparison, Globalisation, Cultural Critique

Author Biography

José Palacios, Universidad Católica San Antonio Murcia

Área de Antropología Social y Cultural. Universidad Católica San Antonio Murcia (España)