
The journal is open to receive papers throughout the year, except when there are calls for papers published on its Web page. Papers must be sent to the editor's email hcadenas@uchile.cl and not by registering on this page. It should be noted that due to the number of papers received, the evaluation of each paper can take between 4 and 8 months.

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Capital and society: theoretical and empirical approaches


  • Miguel Fernández Llanos Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile


Under capital concept lies multiple meanings undercovered result of multiple semantic references that have the concept. This work will attempt to prove that capital, collecting the distinctions at the present day that provide it, become to the mechanism that make possible the structural coupling among interactions and functional systems and whose evolution run in parallel to the society's evolution established a theoretical passing through, with diverse empirical manifestations, between the differentiation and integration of society. It is posible in view the intrincate relationships that establish the communicative mechanism capital with generalized symbolic communication media, features that allow design general communicative frameworks of intersystemical relationships, allow likewise that will named communication assymetry.


capital, reciprocal restrictions, contingency backgrounds, decisional backgrounds, generalized symbolic communication media, assymetries