This article analyzes the emergence of systemic paradigm in context of the evolution of the concept of system. In this sense traces the history and evolution of the concept, the different concepts and scientific theories associated with this idea. It analyzes the philosophical roots of the system concept, the different moments of the theory of systems, the general systems theory, the different currents of cybernetic thought and finally the theory of Niklas Luhmann. The article concludes that the systems theory of Luhmann is a progression and also a paradigmatic change in system theory.
System, Totality, Cybernetics, Second Order Cybernetics, Niklas Luhmann
Author Biography
Guilherme Brandão, Universidad Federal del Rio Grande del Sur
Doctorando en Sociología en la Universidad Federal del Rio Grande del Sur, Brasil
Brandão, G. (2012). On the concept of system: from the observation of the totality to the totality of the observation. MAD, (26), 44–53. Retrieved from