The Debate on the Contemporary Inequalities: Social Exclusion can be Excluded?


  • Marcelo Arnold Cathalifaud Universidad de Chile


This article examines the current scenario of the global crisis. We focus our attention on the mode of organization of contemporary society, which admits inequalities of all kinds, while determines the reactions to this situation. We intend to temper the optimism of the interpretations of inequalities -listed from the side of social exclusion- especially when they are pointed out as anomalies susceptible of being corrected with decisions or moral instructions; also when their dynamical and multi-dimensional character, are reduced to poverty or wealth distribution issues. It is concluded that inequalities have multiplied and are determined by the forms that the structures of society have taken on; at the same time, explain how globally, or from their different systems, these inequalities are not acceptable and it is anticipated that their demands to political system will increase, requiring it's overcoming or contention.


Contemporary Society, Functional Differentiation, Social Integration, Social Inequalities, Inclusion/Exclusion

Author Biography

Marcelo Arnold Cathalifaud, Universidad de Chile

Marcelo Arnold Cathalifaud es actualmente Vicepresidente de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS) y Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Bielefeld (Alemania). Antropólogo social y Magíster en ciencias sociales de la Universidad de Chile.