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Differentiation of Astronomy: Self-descriptions and Heliocentric Conception on the Horizon of World Society


  • Alejandro Espinosa Rada Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Sociogenesis of modern astronomy overlaps spatio-temporally with three innovations in the core of world society between the XV and XVI century: functional differentiation, organizational membership and communication technologies. This can be explored throughout different texts and/or kinematic models such as self-descriptions of society that try to give an empirical and/or theoretical overview to the retrograde motions of the planets. These are: the model of Eudoxus of Cnidus, the Aristotelian synthesis, the model of Ptolemy, Copernican heliocentrism model and the consolidation of heliocentrism after the observations of Galileo and Newton's universal gravitation. This identity problem in astronomy along with producing differentiation of astronomy changes the self-description of society in the sociogenesis of world society.


astronomy, heliocentrism, functional differentiation, world society, self-descriptions