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The complex definition of the socioenvironmental problem: rationalities and controversies


  • Bárbara Morales Universidad de Chile
  • Enrique Aliste Universidad de Chile
  • C. Ignacio Neira Universidad de Chile
  • Anahi Urquiza Universidad de Chile


Drawing from a qualitative approach, this article addresses some of the elements that allow thematizing the socioenvironmental problem from its own complexity, and considering the point of view of different actors, which are part of this discussion in the Chilean context, and giving special emphasis on the controversies generated around the terms “development” and “sustainability.” First, we address the elements – theoretical and empirical – that allow thematizing the complexity of the socio-environmental problem. Second, we discuss a number of definitions given to “development” and their link to the origins of the problem. Third, we present options proposed by actors to move towards sustainability. The article concludes with reflections oriented to multiple perspectives about this issue.


Socio - environmental problems, Complexity, Development, Sustainability, Chile


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