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Organizational coordination from the theory of social systems


  • Sofía Salinas Fuentealba Universidad de Chile
  • Antonieta Urquieta Álvarez Universidad de Chile
  • Julio Labraña Universidad de Tarapacá


The concept of coordination has become a central point in the efforts and reflections on the possibilities of intervention from the theory of social systems. However, to a large extent, such analyzes operate at an abstract level, without necessarily discussing their potentialities at the empirical level. This article proposes the idea of organizational coordination, inspired by the guidelines of the theory of social systems, and uses it as an axis of analysis to understand the problems faced internally today by the National Service for Minors (SENAME). Based on this analysis, the main coordination problems in this organization are identified, proposing twelve descriptors for their observation and measurement. These descriptors are then used to present a proposal of coordination typologies, discussing their implications with the possibilities of implementing effective interventions, having as horizons the focus of rights and the best interests of the child.


Coordination, Intervention, SENAME, Rights approach, Boys, Girls and Youth


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