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Microsystems of interaction


  • Carolina Espinosa Luna Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Liliana Ramírez Ruiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


This article proposes a conceptual framework to describe interaction as social microsystems in which aggressions to health workers are framed as specific types of interactions. To describe aggressions, a review of 81 press releases and 39 interviews were done to understand the experiences of health workers. Three types of aggressions were identified; rational exclusion, stigmatization and hostile outbreak. The findings showed that rational choice for distancing in interaction and wearing a white coat or uniform as a symbolic element of risk propitiate specific forms of violence against public health workers. The prominence of time for the disappearing of confrontations is also explained. Finally, the research provides a general framework for understanding the pandemic as an object of sociological study.


COVID-19 Pandemic, Social systems, Interactions, Health workers, México


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