An Exploratory Analysis of the Exceptions Regarding the Electronic Reproductions on Libraries set in Article 71K of Law 17.336


  • Joaquín Ignacio Castro Abogado independiente
  • Vicente Francisco Grubsic Abogado independiente


The law 17.336 included, in its last modification, a new list of exceptions. Of special interest are those whose objective is to promote and legitimate the activities of libraries and archives. In particular, the exception contained in article 71 k refers to the possibility of linking the activities of libraries and archives with the new information technologies, enabling the access to the works of their collections to be significantly increased. This paper seeks to construe as fully as possible the majority of the undetermined concepts of said exception, offering an interpretation that would allow the correct use of the information technologies in order to aid with the focus of the exception: Increase the access to the works of the library or archive benefited by it.


Copyright, copyright exceptions, libraries, virtual libraries, network host.

Author Biographies

Joaquín Ignacio Castro, Abogado independiente

Vicente Grubsic Lavín y Joaquín Ignacio Castro Martínez son, respectivamente, egresado y estudiante de Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.

Vicente Francisco Grubsic, Abogado independiente

Vicente Grubsic Lavín y Joaquín Ignacio Castro Martínez son, respectivamente, egresado y estudiante de Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.


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