Chile: Surveillance and the right to privacy on internet


  • Danny Rayman Juan Pablo González & Compañía Abogados


This article studies the relationship between the infringement of the right to privacy and Internet surveillance in Chile. Specifically it is focusing on the use of such surveillance by the State in order to fulfill legitimate objectives such as crime prevention and the protection of the safety of its inhabitants. At that occasion the author analyzes the rules of interference to privacy that are linked to surveillance on the Internet, the stated by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights related to it, and two antecedents originate in Chile, namely, the case of the college student Bryan Segel and a report made to police officers of Chile. The study of these backgrounds together enable him to conclude, firstly, that surveillance measures on the Internet are arbitrary and illegal in Chile, because they do not comply with the principles of legality, necessity and proportionality; and moreover that Chile in adopt this type of interferences to privacy breach of its international obligations on human rights by failing to respect these principles.


Fundamental rights, human rights, right to privacy, freedom of speech, Internet, metadata, surveillance

Author Biography

Danny Rayman, Juan Pablo González & Compañía Abogados

Abogado de la Universidad Diego Portales, Candidato a Magister en Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de Chile.


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