The gender focus in Chile’s National Cyber Security Policy



Chile’s National Cybersecurity Policy indicates that in the matter of fundamental rights, a gender focus must be used to ensure the equality of all people in cyberspace. This article aims to analyze what should be understood by gender focus in the context of the National Cybersecurity Policy and the importance of reducing the gender gap in women’s training and technology management. The analysis will focus on describing the main dangers and transgressions suffered by women in cyberspace, specifically in terms of privacy and data protection, to express that only to the extent that all sectors of society are aware of this inequality, we can achieve an open, safe, resilient and egalitarian cyberspace.


cybersecurity, gender, fundamental rights, privacy, data protection, Chile

Author Biography

Paloma Herrera Carpintero, University of Chile

Paloma Herrera Carpintero es abogada. Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile y diplomada en Ciberseguridad por la misma institución. Investigadora del Centro de Estudios en Derecho Informático de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.


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