Legal profession and information and communication technologies:



This paper states that despite the growing importance of the so-called information and communication technologies (ICT) for the legal profession in recent years, its study and eventual teaching has been restricted in our environment, first, in a basic use of this technologies as pedagogical resources, and second, to a dogmatic-juridical approach of the phenomenon (law and technology), without noticing the impact they are likely to have, in the medium and long-term, as professional skills exorbitant to the traditional curriculum, but necessary for future job performance.


Moore’s law, ICT, legal professions, teaching and practice of law in Chile

Author Biography

Johann S. Benfeld E., Dr., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Johann S. Benfeld E. es doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Profesor de Teoría y Filosofía del Derecho en la Escuela de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. Investigador del Núcleo de Derecho, Inteligencia Artificial y Tecnología (Derecho PUCV).


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