Autonomous vehicles and the state of necessity: Analysis from the perspective of the pedestrian subject to a dangerous situation



This work examines the factual supposition in which a pedestrian, trying to avoid being run over by an autonomous vehicle, kills the passenger on board in order to protect his physical integrity. The above will be addressed from the perspective of the state of necessity and the double effect, digging into the axiological assessment criteria regarding a direct killing, as well as the normative substrate involved and its relationship with the figure of criminal intent or malice.


Autonomous vehicles, state of necessity, dangerous situation, double effect

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Guerra Espinosa, Dr., Universidad de Los Andes

Rodrigo Guerra Espinosa es abogado. Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Profesor de Derecho Penal de la Universidad de los Andes. 

Jorge Tisné Niemann, Dr., Universidad de Los Andes

Jorge Tisné Niemann es abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Magíster en Investigación Jurídica y Doctor en Derecho, todos en Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Law Master in Innovation, Technology and the Law, Universidad de Edimburgo, Escocia. Asociado senior en el área de tecnología de la información, medios y protección de datos en Jara del Favero Abogados.


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