Digital market concentration: current political and legal conditions in the information economy



The internet, a technology of economic and cultural transformation, is now commercially centralized. The North American Digital Industry took advantage of the fact of being pioneers. The current market concentration derives from the promotion policy in science and technology undertaken by USA since the 1930s. Later on, the neo- liberal policy benefited private actors that invested in the digital development: their bet paid off. The local strategy of combining the protection of intellectual property with the promotion of free data traffic brought revenues to all those involved; the dominant actors imposed their political and economic ideology to consolidate and promote its advantage at a global level.

The internet, a technology of economic and cultural transformation, is now commercially centralized. The North American Digital Industry took advantage of the fact of being pioneers. The current market concentration derives from the promotion policy in science and technology undertaken by USA since the 1930s. Later on, the neo- liberal policy benefited private actors that invested in the digital development: their bet paid off. The local strategy of combining the protection of intellectual property with the promotion of free data traffic brought revenues to all those involved; the dominant actors imposed their political and economic ideology to consolidate and promote its advantage at a global level.

The internet, a technology of economic and cultural transformation, is now commercially centralized. The North American Digital Industry took advantage of the fact of being pioneers. The current market concentration derives from the promotion policy in science and technology undertaken by USA since the 1930s. Later on, the neoliberal policy benefited private actors that invested in the digital development: their bet paid off. The local strategy of combining the protection of intellectual property with the promotion of free data traffic brought revenues to all those involved; the dominant actors imposed their political and economic ideology to consolidate and promote its advantage at a global level.


Digital market, concentration, IT law, internet and society, online services providers.

Author Biography

José Carlos, Universidad de Girona

Abogado por la Universidad de Medellín, Colombia. Máster en Derecho de Daños por la Universidad de Girona, España y contratado predoctoral de la misma universidad.