The Right to Access to Public Information and Information Privacy


  • Jessica Matus Abogada Independiente


This work explores the balance issues existing between the Transparency and Access to Public Information Act and the Data Protection Act, taking into consideration that public institutions are legally required to provide the information, except when legally exempted by law, particularly when this disclosure could affect the rights of individuals, and namely their privacy. This article discusses the current status of this debate in Chile, the role that carried out by the Transparency Council since its creation, making an analytical study of the abundant body of decisions issued by the Council; the main related legislative initiatives; and the necessary accommodation that must exist among these apparently conflicting rights. Finally, this work proposes practical guidelines and recommendations that reflect the need for an independent regulatory agency in our country, with effective punitive and enforcement authority.


Data protection, privacy, access to public information, harmonization of conflicting rights, Transparency Council

Author Biography

Jessica Matus, Abogada Independiente

Jéssica Matus Arenas es abogada. Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales por la Universidad de Chile. 




Delpiazzo, Carlos (2009). «A la búsqueda del equilibrio entre privacidad y acceso». En Protección de datos personales y acceso a la información pública, Instituto de Derecho Informático, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de la República, Fundación de la Cultura Universitaria y AGESIC. Montevideo: FCU.