Google in Chile: The Problem of Google Adwords analyzed through the Unfair Competition Law


  • Andrés Hermosilla Lahsen & Cía Abogados


This work analyzes the recent issue of the Internet and Law, the use of third party trademarks in advertising as keywords, specifically in the Google Adwords system, and pretends to determine if the unauthorized use of distinctive signs from competitors constitutes an act of unfair competition under the Chilean law. In this order, to answer this question, in the beginning is explained the factual framework; and then it's examined the early cases of comparative jurisprudence and court solutions around the globe. Finally, we review the case that has been known by our courts, the decision was successful in the result, but uses an unfortunate factual premise that not fully understand the distinctions that must exist to treat these new technology and this form of advertising.


Internet, trademarks, Google Adwords, unfair competition, use of trademarks

Author Biography

Andrés Hermosilla, Lahsen & Cía Abogados

Felipe Hermosilla Torres es abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez y magíster en Derecho, con mención en Derecho Privado por la misma universidad.


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