About Covid-19: Would the online family mediation be recommended for Chile?



In this study, we analyzed whether online mediation was recommended for the Chilean Family Mediation System. The hypothesis that we proposed was that online mediation could benefit the users and mediators of said System, and would not prevent the mediator from adequately performing the mediation work or complying with the principles of the process. The results showed that this modality could favor access to mediation and avoid the discontinuity of the service when it is not possible to physically gather the participants, and furthermore, it would not hinder the adequate performance of the mediation work nor would it comply with the principles of the process. Therefore, we conclude that it is not reasonable that only physical assistance be admitted to the Chilean Family Mediation System.


Chilean family mediation, online mediation, mediation in Chile, Covid-19, Law 21.226

Author Biography

Sofía Alarcón García, Abogada independiente

Sofía Andrea Alarcón García es abogada. Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. Magíster en Resolución Colaborativa de Conflictos por la Universidad Católica de Temuco.


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