
IMPORTANT: Starting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024, all manuscripts accepted for publication in 2025 must also be published in an English version. This translation must be managed and funded by the authors, as the journal will no longer cover these costs.

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. The journal operates under a "continuous publication" model.

Velo-cardio-facial syndrome: A description of its clinical characteristics


  • Drina Alvarez Unidad de Fonoaudiología, Fundanción Gantz Pro-ayuda al niño con fisura
  • Mirta Palomares Unidad de Fonoaudiología, Fundanción Gantz Pro-ayuda al niño con fisura
  • Carolina Villena Unidad de Fonoaudiología, Fundanción Gantz Pro-ayuda al niño con fisura


Velo-Cardio-Facial syndrome (VCFS) is one of the most frequently associated syndromes to cleft palate. It comprises facial, cardiological, psychological, and linguistic disorders as well as learning difficulties which all must be addressed by a multi-professional team. The study of this syndrome has been systematically carried out around the World. In Chile, however, there are only few health-related professionals who work whit this patient population. The present article aims at providing an up-to-date review, from a speech pathology point of view, on the clinical findings and on some aspects involved in the clinical management of VCFS.


Vel-cardio-facial syndrome, cleft palate, velopharyngeal insufficiency, pharyngoplasty.