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Perception of the achievements of speech and language therapists abilities and labour marker demands in speech and language therapists graduated from the Universidad de Chile


  • Eduardo Fuentes L. Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


In our field, there exists little evidence related to the level of formation achieved by the speech and language therapist graduates from Chilean universities, or to the requirements which said professionals perceive from the labour market. Objective: To establish the perception which the Speech and Language Therapists have as to the extent that their formation meets the demands of the field. Method: Sixty Speech and Language Therapist graduates from the Universidad de Chile completed a questionnaire. The subjects were grouped into 2 sub-groups according to curricular modifications made by that university. Results: On comparing the perception of the achievement and the requirement on the part of the labour market, a clear difference can be seen in the results of the surveys. This difference is evident in all six speech and language therapy abilities considered when analysed not only with the difference between categories but also globally. Conclusions: The perception of the demands of the labour market is greater than the perception of the levels of formation received at university. Furthermore, the difference between both perceptions is influenced by the type of speech and language therapy ability and by the group to which it belongs.


work­?formation relation, professional formation, labor market

Author Biography

Eduardo Fuentes L., Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Programa de Doctorado en Salud Pública, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile


Facultad de Medicina, UDA Ciencias de la Salud, carrera de Fonoaudiología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile